Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Kindness of Vegetables

If you think I am crazy, you may be right. But my state of mind is not the point here. This is an exploration of the vegetable’s character.

As the title indicates, kindness is central to most vegetables’ nature. I am not acquainted enough with all of them to say that they are all kind, but the broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts (yes, I do have a special fondness of the cruciferous vegetables), the cucumbers, lettuces, carrots, zucchini, squash, celery – they all have been exceptionally kind and loving to me. Not to mention the sweet peas.

They all have delighted me with their vibrant Ingrid loving Broccolicolors, subtly pleasing fragrances, fun shapes, delicious tastes and wonderful nutritional value without ever asking anything in return. Not like my cat who screams every morning until she gets her treats and I don’t even plan on eating her!

They have been my company in the kitchen, trustingly laying in my hands while I whip out my sharp knives. Without crying or pleading they surrender to the sizzling olive oil only to end up tasting sweet and – yes, kind.

No harm in their mind, they don’t bite back (except maybe the jalapenos, but we love them for that, don’t we?). They continue to grow. All they want is a little water, a little sun, some nice soil. What modest, fine souls they are.

No revengeful clogging of your arteries, hardly any allergies they give you, rarely indigestion, maybe a little gas, but nothing like their cousins the legumes. Vegetables are gentle.

I can’t help myself but thinking that they like it best when they are eaten together with their friends, the herbs. A little dill with the zucchini, some parsley on the carrots, basil on the tomatoes. I believe vegetables have a keen sense for companionship. They are innately friendly.

I love them.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Salt Only Dishes

One thing I love about seasonal, local veggies is that they make beautiful salt only dishes. No other seasonings are needed!

A great example is the tomato pepper stew, called Letscho. At least that is how the Hungarian name was said in my childhood in Vienna. At the height of the summer, the various peppers and ripe tomatoes are so full of flavors. If you stew them for a while, of course with onions and garlic, these aromas blend together so magically. You really only need a bit of good sea salt and viola, a heavenly dish is made!

Or you can create a veggie stew with a mire poix base (the famous marriage of onions, celery and carrots that is the base of so many soups and stews) that is enriched with parsnip and celery root. Add some broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots and potatoes and a bit of sea salt – mmmm, yummy!

My friends, the veggies!